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Learning in Art follows the National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Year GroupArea of Study
EYFSPortrait and sculpture.   Discuss famous artists.  
Year 1 Drawing, painting and sculpture.      Evaluate famous artists. 
Year 2 Drawing, painting and sculpture.      Evaluate famous artists. 
Year 3Use sketch books to draw, painting and sculpture.   Evaluate artists, designers and architects.
Year 4 Use sketch books to draw, painting and sculpture.   Evaluate artists, designers and architects. 
Year 5 Use sketch books to draw, painting and sculpture.   Evaluate artists, designers and architects.
Year 6Use sketch books to draw, painting and sculpture.   Evaluate artists, designers and architects.


Every unit of work has an associated knowledge web that goes with it.

See below for a KS1 and a KS2 example.


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