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Computing Scheme of Work


Learning in Computing follows the National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Year Group

Area of Study                


Programmable toys, digital cameras, digital microscopes,

basic computer programmes

Year 1

Programmable toys (algorithms/logical reasoning) (map of UK) 

Make a digital Xmas card

We are painters 

We are storytellers

We are collectors - look at different types of weather and collect data (creating and storing info)

We are TV weather presenters

Year 2

We are games testers

We are collectors - Discover popular landmarks / tourist destinations in London

We are detectives

We are photographers

We are Captains - creating a game based on the Titanic (create and debug simple programmes, logical reasoning)) 

We are presenters - creating a powerpoint based on Titanic (creating and storing information)

Year 3

We are presenters - tudor documentary.

We are vloggers - Create a vlog about Henry VIII
We are bug fixers 

We are programmers

We are communicators - use of email to communicate with children in South America

We are opinion pollsters - collate information on rainforest animals

Year 4

We are software developers(design, write and debug programmes) - create a game based on being an explorer

We are  musicians - link to music composition
We are meteorologists

We are toy designers

We are HTML editors - create a web page about climate change 

We are co-authors - create a wikipedia page about climate change

Year 5

We are game developers - create a game based on a Greek Myth. (design, write and debug programmes)  

We are web developers - e safety
We are cryptographers 

We are artists

We are architects - create a virtual art gallery  

We are bloggers - develop school blog for the website

Year 6

We are app planners   

We are project managers - Design an app. (design, write and debug programmes)
We are app developers (design, write and debug programmes)

We are marketers

We are interface designers - continue with app design    (design, write and debug programmes)  

We are market researchers - market app



Every unit of work has an associated knowledge web that goes with it.

See below for a KS1 and a KS2 example.

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