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PSHE is Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and RSE is Relationships and Sex Education.


At Front Lawn, we have been teaching many aspects of PSHE for several years - some discretely and some linked to our themes and key texts.  The Government made PSHE a statutory subject in September 2020, meaning that schools must teach it and set out guidance around what pupils should know by the end of their time in primary and secondary school.  The government guidance can be found by clicking on the link below  

In May and June 2021, we undertook a thorough consultation with staff, parents, governors and children.  The outcomes of this consultation are shared below.

Following the consultation, we used Scarf and the schools positive powers to create a bespoke curriculum based on our children’s needs. Following this, we looked for links with other curriculum areas and identified opportunities where content could be taught through our key texts, providing a context for discussion.  

We will revisit our consultation annually, and update our curriculum accordingly to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the children.

Children are supported to 'know more and remember more' by having knowledge organisers that clearly lay out the core knowledge, facilitating knowledge, procedural knowledge and vocabulary they are expected to learn.

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